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The COVID-19 pandemic has been a horrific reality of the 21st century. Its true detriment lies in the dire figures in critical areas like mental health, domestic violence and isolation. But amongst the turmoil, a hidden gem emerged... The raw talent that is fashion designer Indira Viswanathan established her elite clothing line: ivybyindira. It is without a doubt that the popularity of online shopping significantly escalated as in-store shopping became lawfully impossible. Therefore, it is not with lightness that I remark how ivybyindira is a standout amongst other brands, regardless of whether it be large or small. So, Dolls, you ask what makes this brand so exceptional? It's the innate exclusivity of items that swim against the mainstream. ivybyindira is exclusively exceptional in every way and I have all of the evidence to prove it to you, my sweet Shopaholics.



ivybyindira was founded at a time when the fashion scene was plagued with trends being broadcasted across social media platforms like instagram and TikTok. Millions of bored civilians were picking the new best fashion hack, the new must have item and the new best place to buy, quicker than designers could say 'trending'. Even without the pandemic, Indira identifies keeping up with trends as an insurmountable task.

'As a designer with a small handmade business, by the time I would be able to plan, sketch, source fabric, cut and construct pieces, do photoshoots, and get them up on a website, the trend would already be over.'

Initially, I saw this fact as a weakness and I thought it an unfair advantage of designer brands to continue to profit off've micro trends, simply because they're the only ones with large enough manufacturers to match the turnover time. However, through Indira being forced to curate pieces at a slower rate, than say Gucci, she has been able to combine flare, style and authenticity with miscellanea derived from each trend. How does Indira achieve this perfect combination? How is ivybyindira exceptional against multi million dollar companies? The answer is evident in her following statement:

'My approach is by taking inspiration from current trends and using the inspiration to create my own twist which has more of a timeless and unique aspect.'

Additionally, Indira's creative process is more than a mechanism for profit. She doesn't send sketches or lists of her required fabrics to an employee, factory or sweatshop. The very designing process is entirely authentic in itself. Every ribbon is carefully colour matched, every cotton meter is tested for softness and durability through her touch and her inspiration is constant, as her creative sixth sense is hyperaware of her surroundings. The result are pieces that 'will be a consistent item in your wardrobe and something you can pull out over many years and still feel stylish and unique every time you wear it'. Clearly, what I once perceived as a weakness is in fact, undoubtedly, a great strength.




I gained immediate clarity into Indira's immense passion. She not only spoke with eloquence and carefully chose each word but her manner was laced with a quality that I believe only the most successful creators bestow... a hint of madness. Her sentences were methodically chaotic, meaning that every thought of ivybyindira ignited her creative juices of excitement, possibility, and pride. Such a passion is likely to be the most exceptionally exclusive thing about ivybyindira. And it's kindled as she creates unique items that are exclusive to a closet, and that one closet only, as she uses an item's history to change the course of its future or as she awaits a journey in stead of seeking a destination. Indira recalls moments of creative bliss in her adventures throughout Europe, where she accumulated patterns, embellishments and fabrics that were purely found in the style of those who resided in Sicily, Geneva and Marseille. What Indira does next is exclusive to ivybyindira products... She applies a process of 'thrift flipping', which is adding either her additional vision, a client's additional vision or a combination of both of their visions to the original vision of the pre-loved item.

'With this process the pieces that come out of it are completely individual and unique, with the mix of a second hand fabric and a new and improved design.'

Well, Dolls, Indira claims that the potential lies within the fabric, but I believe it is fundamental to her profound proficiency as a designer.



Indira not only sells her 'collections' (of clothes), but constructs tailor-made items. Though many designers may overlook certain steps as being 'a waste of time', Indira identifies the 'difficult' steps as the ones that create ease in the long-term. She may implement any of the following methods to achieve the ultimate exclusively exceptional garment. The technique of a 'prototype' is a draft of the design on cheaper fabric to have a better understanding of the fabric, measurements and patterns. Additionally, Indira designates fitting dates throughout the designing process, claiming that

'It is much easier to make changes during construction rather than once the garment is complete.'

Indira expectantly feels the weight of running, managing and maintaining a business all by herself. During this part of our interview, a majestic butterfly fluttered in the space around us, aligning with my hope for Indira that upon attending a design school in Paris, her business will transform, like a butterfly, into one bursting with employees, much deserved success and an exclusively exceptional reputation.

When asked about the eases and pleasures of tailor-making, Indira's aura became one of undeniable confidence and cheekiness. I saw a true, dauntless designer emerge. With a smirk across her face, she said:

'I love a good challenge.'

She joyously shared with me a typical scenario with her mother...

Her mother phoning Indira upon finding a beautiful piece (that happens to be worth $700!), and gently inviting her beyond capable daughter to perhaps re-create it for her without the generous price tag attached. Luckily for Indira's mother, her daughter finds immense enjoyment in her number one priority, which is collaboratively working with her beloved clients and creating the foundation of a trustworthy relationship in order to successfully achieve the clients' dream 'la mode' item.


So, Dolls? Was I right or was I right? ivybyindira is certainly the epitome of an exclusively exceptional designer brand. What will be your first purchase? I already know what mine will be but that's a confession for another time...





instagram handle: @ivybyindira

ABN registered business name: ivybyindira


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