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Hidden Beauty: Easter Edition

I've missed you, sweet Shopaholics. The time of year has finally come to celebrate just how sweet every one of my precious Dolls is... Easter.

As sugar cubes melt into warm full cream milk and egg-shaped moulds are filled with delectable chocolate and are coated with crushed candies and nuts, you must relish in the sweetness of each bite for you are the sweetest of them all. Come Easter, my mind immediately wanders to treasure hunts... the most treasurable of memories exist for me around this activity. Perhaps it's the excitement of the clues, the unpredictability of the unknown or the deliciousness of the ultimate goal but treasure hunts leave me passionate about the beauty of hidden things. I believe things that aren't the most noticeable, extravagant or obvious are often the most beautiful. In saying that, I confess to you the most important le maquillage secrets (no hiding... I promise!) and leave uncovered: Hidden Beauty.


Smile Lines

Le maquillage companies relish in their campaigns of models with the fullest of lips coated in pump glosses & lipsticks. Shopaholics, it's no secret that you know me well enough by now to understand my deep affection for such products. However, this Blog Post is about the not-so-obvious. The most effective way to amplify the beauty of a person's lips is not in the shade of lip product they wear. It's through smiling. The kindest face in the world is my Father's. In its resting state, the surface surrounding his lips is almost completely smooth. But, Oh, when he smiles, I cannot help but become fulfiled by the story engraved into his skin. Anybody could tell that he has spent his years laughing, connecting & loving. And when the day comes when in the resting state of his lips the surrounding surface isn't smooth, he will have reached his ultimate beauty. For nothing could be more beautiful than a face permanently indented with the story of a wonderful life. I must unapologetically confess that I don't think botox is beautiful. Dolls, I am not opposed to the notion considering I understand the reasons people invest in botox: self-confidence, ageing prevention & wrinkle reduction. I have seen beautiful people with botox but Shopaholics, looking like every other person with botox is far too obvious. Beauty lies within every spot, every crease and every fold of a person's face that requires further investigation through discovering their history. Dolls, you must reclaim all of your 'imperfections'... wrinkles, lines, scars for what they actually are... perfections.


Eyes: Window To The soul

Shopaholics, whether it's eyeshadow that's your poison of choice or it's lavishing your lashes with mascara, a person once told me that a person's eyes are the window to their soul. Have you ever had the unpleasurable experience of meeting a person so bitterly cold that the presence of their eyes made you feel empty? I have... And I could feel their icy soul begin to freeze my soul with just momentary eye contact. On the contrary, I feel ignited with fire after spending a conversation peering into the eyes of an innately warm person. Every person walks through life with a set of eyes, yet it is what we spend our lives using them for that counts. It is those who spend a life looking, noticing and observing the goodness the world has to offer whose eyes reflect their soul with a sparkle, a glisten. It is those who fill their sight with children, romance and travel who understand the very nature of beauty. Because beauty isn't a person or an object money buys. Beauty is everything in-between... the 'good morning, Sweetheart' notes in-between lovers or the unspoken words in-between moments. A person's soul vicariously grows through the nature of the tunnel that a person envisions. Shopaholics, may your soul live vicariously through the most hopeful, wondrous and magical eyes that a person can behold.


A Pretty Heart: Kindness

Shopaholics, I have a valuable confession to make! The initial part of this confession may invite your scepticism but I assure you that I am a credible source, Dolls. The stark external beauty of a person diminishes upon learning of their internal ugliness. Equally, a person who doesn't bear profound external beauty gradually evolves into the most beautiful creature upon learning of their inner beauty. I did promise that I hold sufficient evidence to back up my claims, Dolls. I knew a girl called Chloe. She had the most pretty face you'd ever seen... the kind that all the boys dreamed about and many girls envied. Everything seemed to align symmetrically, her lips were full and her smile was the kind you can't forget. However, I don't believe I remember hearing a single kind word leave that young woman's mouth. She loved gossip as much as her image, she enjoyed using people as her minions and relished in drama. In moments, I found glimpses of her initial exoticness but she had ultimately perished into the shell of a once very beautiful girl... imperfection stained on surfaces I'd once thought to be undoubtedly pristine. I knew another girl named Grace. I couldn't say how our friendship sparked but I know that it had nothing to do with her appearance. Grace had an understated intelligence, infinite ability to be reasonable and was delightfully funny. Her heart brought out features in her face that previously, I hadn't noticed. I loved how she looked as she laughed and when she smiled, I was captivated by her eyes. It was my love for Graces' heart that allowed me to seek beauty that was individual to Graces' face. The goodness that Grace was allowed beauty to bloom. As I said, Dolls, I promised evidence and I always deliver.


My devotion to le maquillage is religious... I value a le maquillage routine as much as the next Shopaholic. Simultaneously, there is only so much a le maquillage routine can do for a girl with an ugly heart. So make sure to hide your eggs in a basket with a good base. I wouldn't want one of my sweet Dolls to miss out on sweet le chocolat this Easter! Kisses as always,



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