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Updated: Mar 16, 2023

Shopaholics, there's nothing more prudent than wearing makeup to brighten even the darkest of occasions. But, have women continued to use makeup for centuries due to their volition or is it a mundane action as a result of the social construct? Personally, Dolls, I believe the title of this week's blog post to be untrue. I believe women chose makeup to enhance their features, their soul and their mood. When you put the 'make' in 'makeup', Dolls, is it of your volition or your compulsion?

Nobody makes me put on makeup but I must admit, I've caught myself questioning my le maquillage choices throughout sickness. My loyal and regular Shopaholics know that I suffer from Anorexia... During my hospital admissions, the dear friends and family who visit me never fail to be greeted by my most dolled-up self. As I apply my Too Faced mascara, 'what's the point?' has certainly crossed my mind. The winning thought, however, is not a thought at all but rather, an anticipated feeling. I like to feel pretty. I like that I have the choice to either look gross when I'm scared, having my arm poked and space invaded or do it looking gorgeous! In an unfamiliar environment, there's something comforting about clinging to an aspect of my life that is so very familiar.

On the topic of hospital admissions, I recently saw an elderly woman in the hospital cafeteria. She wore a magenta blouse, had her hair straightened and neatly tucked behind her ears, her makeup had been applied flawlessly and her smile stood out amongst the crowd. I told my nurse how lovely she looked and although we went about our day, the moment replayed in my mind for days to come. I realised it was because she didn't let age define what society deemed as age-appropriate clothing and le maquillage. She'd chosen vibrancy and flare over smart and corporate. And she probably dropped a decade because of it! Nobody made her do it. She did it to feel authentic, youthful and most importantly beautiful. And she was.

Dolls, the situations that are furthest removed from makeup being a necessity are the situations that force you to contemplate whether or not you're a true Shopaholic. What will your answer be? Is the world of self-care, beauty and femininity for you or are you simply a shadow of society, a rule-follower and not a rule-breaker?




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