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Updated: Aug 26

Going to the hospital isn't always an emergency but being in hospital and feeling ugly is! Recovering from anything is difficult but I've learnt that no matter what I'm growing and learning from, feeling like I've got at least some of my shit together has made the process easier and quicker. I don't know about you, Dolls, but feeling pretty always puts a smile on my face. So if you've called 000, I promise that following my makeup hotline will leave you with one less emergency on your hands.


Hospitals are notorious for their brutal A/C systems. They suck out like a vacuum every last drop of moisture in the air. The hospital air feels so taxing that sometimes I notice its effect the moment I walk through the front doors. The part of my body that suffers immediately is my lips. They become craked, thin and flaky to such a degree that vaseline and lip balm simply do not cut it. It was only during an admission this year that I had an observant nurse in the Emergency Department offer me paraffin. I didn't have any of my usual vaseline handy so it was gratefully that I accepted. And let me tell you, Dolls, I will never, ever, go back to petroleum jelly. In fact, I couldn't believe I'd ever put my trust into that little plastic tub after having discovered this new, magical, medicinal ointment. Oh, and an added plus? Its oils make it look like you have a layer of gloss so... 

You get to be moisturized AND cute!

Just like hospital A/C will suck your skin dry, it will do the same to your hair. Every time I would come to the hospital, my natural oils were completely stripped, leaving me with straw-like, scraggly, split, dead ends. Just like it's recommended to shampoo your hair twice, when in hospital, I recommend conditioning your hair twice, too. Additionally, upon the second round of application, I leave the conditioner in for the entire time I'm tending to the other aspects of my showering routine like body washing, shaving and face rinsing. This is because it acts as a hair mask, providing those already vulnerable strands a chance to be fully nourished and repaired. I love doing this step because, on top of treating my hair, it leaves it inextricably soft and smooth. I've even had patients and nurses comment on how silky my hair feels if they offer to braid and play with it so I know its effectiveness isn't all in my head (no pun intended!)


My guilty pleasure is spending an obsene amount of money on a fresh acrylic manicure fortnightly, if not weekly. It's an addiction but one of my healthier addictions so...

Am I mad about it? Absolutely not. In fact, I am irevocably obsessed with it.

Growing up, I felt insecure about my hands. I thought they were too petite, my nail beds too tiny and my thumbs, stubby. The first time I got acrylics was the first time I looked at my hands and thought they were beautiful. The nails created an illusion of these elegant, elongated fingers. My guilty pleasure feels like a dirty little secret, conning the world into believing my hands are as pretty as they now, always look. For me, having a fresh manicure is an essential step in making an appearance at the hospital. Because I know that at the end of the day, if all else fails, I'll have my dirty little secret as mine, oh, mine and an audience of bored patients to ogle at the princess hands I seemingly bestow. Something else I love about my mani ritual is the opportunity for my creativity to come about. Trialing new designs, shapes and lengths occasionally leaves me unsatisfied but often, it leaves me obsessed. I'm not the best at believing and trusting in processes but experimenting with variety has proven to be 99.9% pleased.


My go-to vanilla-scented, shea butter-infused body wash is divine in every way. However, it's not what I reach for when putting together my hospital overnight bag. Why? Hospitals are disgusting, putrid, ratchet. They're filled with spillages of bodily fluids and worse are the unknown ones. I don't just need a fancy, luxurious-smelling body wash, I need a heavy-duty soap that simultaneously leaves me feeling squeaky clean enough to have a barrier to defend myself against the endless omnipresent germs. I have found that the perfect mix between Shopaholicness and practicality is the baby pink tinted dove soap. It smells pretty but not so pretty that you can't tell it's equally as cleanly.

And it looks pretty because duh... it's pink!

Before discovering this specific soap, I would douse myself in strong hospital detergent to feel like I wasn't covered in influenza and then I proceeded to cover up the chemical-scented residue stained on my body with excessive spritzes of perfume. You know me, Dolls, I don't string you along lines with bait dangling on the end so luckily for you, Dolls, I have my grandma which means that you have me to spill all the goss over this makeup hotline 000 phone call. I have attached the direct link to the exact soap my sweet grandma Jenny generously gifted me.


Your key takeaways from our makeup emergency hotline to save your inpatient life (not to be dramatic or anything) should be rejuvenation, Dove & Acrylic manis. I sincerely hope that my Shopaholic insight will prove to be as pleasurable of an improvement to your life as it's been to mine. As always,



1 Comment

Aug 25

It’s really sad to hear How you talk about other people :( Because of some reason you really think you are above other human beings. No Pink soap will wash away your delusion and sickness which btw doesn’t make you better or more special than others.

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