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Moulin Rouge

Updated: Mar 16, 2023

Moulin Rouge is the epitome of seduction, scandal & sophistication, alike to its counterpart: rouge le maquillage. This Saturday, I present you with a historic blog post considering the vitality of providing my Shopaholics with frequent education on what it is we preach at COS. An educated Shopaholic will always hold a superior vantage point in our world. This education will leave you with added insight into sex appeal, classiness & mystique, Dolls!


Ancient Greece marked history by establishing the first law regarding rouge. The legislation required prostitutes at the time to wear the rouge pigment on their lips, proving their womanhood to male benefactors. As Ancient Greece founded rouge laws, Moulin Rouge founded the illustrious can-can dance carried out by courtesans. The incredibly seductive dance was performed by women who often applied rouge blush and stained their lips cherry red as they teased the audience with glimpses of their under attire, garters & pantalettes.


In Victorian times, rouge was representative of sex and those who dared to apply rouge le maquillage were condemned and scolded for their desirable offence. Would you have played devil's advocate in the name of le maquillage, Dolls? Are you a true Shopaholic or a pawn in the risque game? Moulin rouge was held at an unmissable venue. Its doors opened beneath a rouge windmill, distinguishing itself from other local Parisian architecture at the time. The Moulin Rouge directly translates to 'Red Mill' and its no doubt that the event doesn't exactly invite subtlety. Perhaps that's exactly why COS loves it so much.


The 1920s women's suffrage movement allowed for feminism & women's rights to become extremely topical, discussed and important. Women were making their voices heard and their statements were nothing short of big, loud and bold. When women rioted, fought and advocated, they did so with red lips. It was a symbol of empowerment and a statement of the change they wished to see.

Moulin Rouges' interior was magnificent, featuring mirrors on every wall to reflect the light of grand chandeliers. Just as rouge-lipped women sought justice, the venue sought extravagance. Both expected nothing less of themselves than to prove their significance to the outside world. Isn't it amazing what a bit of rouge can do, Dolls?


The colour of romance hasn't always been so alluring and its thanks to history that we can embrace the colour for its beauty, that women have the freedom to apply rouge le maquillage for themselves and not men and that we can go anywhere, anytime looking as sexy as we truly are. If the can-can can, you can Dolls!


Cos x



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