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That ever-so-familiar dollar sign is one that we all love to hate and hate to love. I wish that my big spending mentality aligned with my bank account, Dolls, but this is dedicated to the future woman that I am who best case scenario is a successful, self-made billionaire or is worst case scenario relishing in a prenup. All jokes aside, Dolls, this is my dream space, if money wasn't an issue.



Being a perfectionist is so much more complex than, I think, most people understand. The term, in my opinion, is misused. People who are perfectionists cannot engage in everyday tasks with content or ease. Instead, many simple things take time because there's an inherent belief that their best, no matter how 'perfect' it appears to others, isn't enough. I love art so much. I think it's beautiful. And when I do art, I feel calm and creative and good. But these momentary feelings also come with obsessional thoughts that evoke immense anxiety and sadness. If there's a single thing I view as a 'mistake' the entire thing has to be re-done and at this point, I've proven to myself that I'm bad at art so I'm re-doing it through the lens of someone who is looking to uncover a flaw. I wish I believed that it was even possible for me to be good at art. And if I did, I'd allow myself an entire room to create anything and everything in a room that I'd filled with every medium, even if everything I started was left unfinished.



I once loved Wintertime... The bitter air & misty mornings. They were nostalgic for me until they weren't. Certain things in life can be re-framed, new meanings can be learnt and words can just be words. But the reasons I stopped loving winter became beliefs and

It's more difficult to change an inherent belief than it is to redefine an experience.

The sun and the warmth, is something I know for certain that I will never stop needing and craving. I love how the sun feels on my skin. I love when I feel it defrost the coldness circulating inside of me. To me, the sun's vitality is a necessity. And for this reason, I would want a sunroom in my space. I'd want big, arched spaces with windows for walls and I'd want there to be butterflies to see, bees to hear buzz and plants to watch grow.



I've always adored walk-in wardrobes. I'm not exactly sure what it is about them that makes me want one so badly, I just know that I do in fact want one so very badly! I would have my wardrobe look exactly like Chanel Number One's from Scream Queens... A white tiled floor, mirrors at every angle to see how I look in my designer dresses and a big, comfortable white leather couch at the centre for all of my other Chanel Numbered besties to sit on and tell me how cute I look!



Well, Shopaholics, if I told you how writing is so very often the reason I choose to live, would you ask me to say more than these six pictures of the writing office I'd quite possibly never ever leave that I've left you with?


Our spaces are a creative reflection of what we're most passionate about. For some, their kitchen represents their burning passion for cooking and for others, like me, their bedroom represents their one-true-love of sleeping! The state we keep our homes in also reflects our values. For some, being tidy and organised is high priority and for others making people feel safe and cozy is more important. Although I would've thought that my dream space minus the $ would be vastly different from the reality with the $, I'm more content than I thought I would be with the space I have now. Humans have this wonderful strength and it's doing the best with what we've got.




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