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My blog isn't your regular run-of-the-mill blog. To read my blog means that you're a devoted shopaholic and to be a shopaholic means that you must adhere to the rigorous code of conduct: the by-laws. The by-laws will be your best friend, teaching and guiding you to be your prettiest, most confident and fashionable self. When in doubt, don't be, because from one Shopaholic to another, I've got you covered, Doll! BTW, Any reference to these by-laws MUST be in bold and pink... for obvious reasons!

  1. Karma's A Bitch

  2. God Is A Woman

  3. Older Sisters Know What's Up

  4. Bows = 'The Best'

  5. Cultural Appropriation = HORRIFIC

  6. Boring = A Fashion Sin

  7. Shop Quick, Buy Fast

  8. Don't Chase Shiny Shit

  9. Beauty Is Classy, Beauty Is Respect

  10. A Pretty Doll Is Never Arrogant

Karma's A Bitch

Karma is the bitch that comes back to bite you. Don't let anybody fool you into thinking it's a myth. The premise of karma is what goes around comes around. Shopping unsustainably, impulsively or obsessively will leave you with a visit from the dreaded beast. As will thinking beauty is skin deep, judging appearances and acting superior to those you believe are beneath you. Karma doesn't turn its head to those in unrequited relationships... karma comes to those who are cruel to others but it doesn't turn a blind eye to those who are cruel to themselves. Karma doesn't live in the realms of time. She appears when you least expect it, in a small act like a bad hair day or an act of a much larger scale like losing your dream job. Like I said, Dolls, Karma's A Bitch.

God Is A Woman

God is known to be the creator of the world and only a woman conjures up a concept so extensive. Only a woman could be so meticulous. This isn't to disregard men, they have their strengths. But for centuries, women's strengths have been disregarded and I refuse to let men claim this fact. I mean, really, can you imagine a man answering 7 billion prayers whilst juggling confessions, global warming and deciding who goes to heaven or hell at any given moment of the day? In my opinion, the only flaw in my argument is that a woman could've created the person who thought crocs were a good idea.

Older Sisters Know What's Up

Growing up without siblings meant that I had to learn Shopaholic lessons from the glamorous women who walked before me. My idols were Angelina Jolie, Kate Moss and Cindy Crawford... big names, I know. But sometimes, Dolls, the bigger the better... especially a sum of money. Our older sisters finalised their le maquillage and la mode routines after years of trial and error. We can integrate past successions into our personal le maquillage and la mode routines unashamedly. It is not called copying, it's called inspiration!

Bows = 'The Best'

Bows have to be the most timeless and versatile accessory. They must be an integral part of your Shopaholic lifestyle because they accentuate every minor detail into something MAJOR!!!

Cultural Appropriation = HORRIFIC

We've all seen questionable advertisements, fashion and makeup trends from less educated eras. Unfortunately, mishaps continue to occur today. It is utterly disgusting to appropriate another culture in any way. Prettiness certainly doesn't stem from disrespecting another culture, with years of history to back it, so that you can look 'pretty'. The only thing you'll be looking is uneducated and foolish. It's a harsh by-law, Dolls, but the truth can hurt.

Boring = A Fashion Sin

Sticking to what you know is strategic and efficient in assuring prettiness. But what you know has to be exciting, intriguing and effective, none of which equate to boring. Boring is the mundane action of applying the exact same products, wearing the exact same outfits in the exact same way without spice and variety to allure the gaze of shell-shocked strangers.

Shop Quick, Buy Fast

Dolls, saving is the gateway to a rich and successful shopaholic lifestyle. However, when you find something that your heart truly desires, it's a gut feeling to listen to. As a very indecisive Shopaholic, I believe that the decisions we don't overthink are often the best. I'm not encouraging fast fashion and impulse buying. This by-law is to be taken with a grain of salt, for those who aren't obsessive shoppers. Another factor that influences the credibility of this by-law is waiting for a product or item to go on sale or saving the spending for a special occasion. There is a certain joy that comes with anticipation, Dolls. All exclusions aside, be a little bold, Dolls, and Shop Quick, Buy Fast.

Don't Chase Shiny Shit

Just because something is shiny, doesn't mean it's diamond. Shopaholics, whether it's the newest trend or a sexy beau, there are many cases of a bad apple. Sometimes it's blindingly obvious but at other times, it takes society a moment to come to their senses and realise how stupid they've been. In these dilemmas, you have to take a pause and assess. Do you really think socks look good with heels? Do you really like him for him or is he just eye candy? It can be scary to be the odd one out... Not buying something like all of your friends are. But scary is better than humiliating. And it's humiliating being a part of the heinous downfall - when the newest shiny thing takes ranks, the old trend is bashed online and you're left with an item you would be ridiculed for if vogue was taking notes.

Beauty Is Classy, Beauty Is Respect

Shopaholics, for one to look as beautiful as princess Diana as she attended Splendours of the Gonzaga, it's not possible to look trashy, have makeup smeared across your face and vomit at the creases of your lips. It's also not possible to have friends who don't cherish you or a relationship that isn't everything you hope for. Before you earn respect from others, you must give it to yourself because how else can you possibly attract the tenderness, love and care that you so rightfully deserve!

A Pretty Doll Is Never Arrogant

Dolls, I know that each and every one of you is exceptionally beautiful, dainty and stylish if you read my blog. And I sincerely hope that you are as aware of your prettiness as I am. However, what I do not hope is that any one of you would relish in your prettiness to the extent that it is discussed with others consistently and extensively or affects the manner in which you interact with others. Arrogance obtrudes the natural law of grace. A woman somewhat oblivious to her beauty, due to the importance she places upon equally as important matters such as bestowing kindness and respect, is alluring on another level. To be arrogant about your looks is ugly. After all, beauty comes from within, and every evil smile, frown line and proud look will change in the wind if you aren't careful, Dolls.



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