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Dolls, when I first started my Confessions Of A Shopaholic Blog, I knew in my heart and soul that it would fulfil me in all of the ways I'd ever imagined. As my work was in the process of being motioned, all of the stars were not only aligning, they were for the first time within reach. It is with incredible delight that I confess to you that I've created my own fashion label. There's no waiting any longer, Dolls... Luka isn't just the name of an author and a blogger, 'LUKA' is now my brand.


My childhood was filled with expectations but they were dissimilar to the ones placed upon my friends. Every expectation that was placed upon me was on the basis of values. An A+ didn't matter if the teacher's comments outlined my disrespect or dishonesty just like an F didn't matter if the teacher's comments outlined my hard-work or kindness. I was always taught that success was measured by the heart we choose to wear on our sleeve, not by the marks we receive. Within these unmeasured lines, I discovered the intuition, independence and confidence that allowed me to seek a future that I whole-heartedly desired. When I finished school, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I later learnt that my fellow graduates felt the same. However, due to the expectations their parents placed upon them, they dived head-first into university degrees they despised, leaving them with nothing but debt and empty dreams. Considering I was encouraged to trust my gut feelings, I trusted the joy-less and uninspired feelings that arose as I imagined myself attending university. Post-graduation, I immediately knew that I wouldn't find myself at university. It's because I waited until I had a better understanding of what I wanted my future to entail that I am currently watching my dreams manifest before my eyes. Instead of studying books, I was studying myself, learning the manuscript of my personality, my passions and my needs. I discovered that what existed was a burning love for writing and a fascination with fashion. I don't know where I'd be without the faith of my mother, trusting that I would fall on my feet, but

I'm beyond grateful to know that the life I made for myself has been my choice and my choice alone. There is exceptional power in such a freedom.

My life was modelled by one of the most understanding and forgiving people I've ever known. Although this temperament is beautiful, interlaced with innocence and gentleness, I've seen that people tend to take advantage of such souls. My life became enriched with the addition of another understanding soul, except they also bore the qualities of skepticism and consideration. This addition to my life influenced how I viewed the world around me. I began to be cautious of who I considered my friends and I found empowerment in being diligent with those who were apart of my network. Currently, the people in my circle are those who've consistently been trustworthy meaning that I am surrounded by good, honest and real friends and relatives. I wouldn't be living my Shopaholic dream if it weren't for my extraordinarily strong circle because in all of the moments I had no faith for myself, I had a group of individuals who continued to love, believe in and support me entirely. They continue to remind me of my worth, place and importance no matter how many times they've said it and no matter how much I dispute it.


Dolls, my blog means everything to me... I've found my voice through my writing but I've also found a voice for those who don't have the words that I do. I treasure the connectedness I feel to all of my readers. Just like my blog, 'LUKA' is a segment of my soul. To be cast in the limelight through naming my brand after myself when I've spent majority of my life hiding in the shadows has to be one of the bravest, most significant and exciting things I've ever done!

To me,

The label 'LUKA' represents the hope my mother had that I'd find happiness.

It is proof that there is a place in the world for the outcast I'd always labelled myself as.

It is evidence that society has room for passion, entrepreneurship and creativity.

It indicates that kindness, vulnerability and love triumph bullying, hate and resentment.

It is a little piece of the fashion designer in me, in the form of creative, sexy, daring commodities.


I'd say I hope that you'll love the label 'LUKA', Dolls, but I have a strong feeling that you will!



PS: LUKA will be releasing its first item called 'LUKA LINGERIE' on the 1st of June. It will be an exclusive initial drop with select sizes and limited stock so get saving, Shopaholics!


1 commento

Narcisse Solitaire
Narcisse Solitaire
19 mag 2023

Thank you so much! I am waiting for this because I can’t find my size of lingerie because I am very slim and small-breasted.

Mi piace
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