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The Swan Of Swan Lake

Updated: Mar 16, 2023

Hey Dolls, it's me again! Unfortunantly, not all of us have the skillset and determination to be ballerinas but with my le maquillage guide, we can all look like beautiful ballerina swans. Swan lake, an internationally renowned production, has been performed by the most prestigious and famous ballerinas across the widest range of highly regarded theatres, auditoriums & opera houses. The ballerinas spend countless hours rehearsing the recital until the minute before opening night when they're doused from head to toe in le maquillage. Their le maquillage is nothing short of meticulous, exquisite and elegant. Are you ready for your delectable transformation into a delicate swan? I am.


My short-lived experience of being a ballerina is reckoned with the memory of a class of twenty high-pitched, squealing and excitable six-year-olds wincing as their mothers pulled, bobby-pinned and hairsprayed their soft, free-flowing locks into unbearably tight, pulled back buns that were a recipe for a splitting headache. The hair alone was the most critical aspect of class preparation and it often took thirty minutes before the outcome was up to the teacher's expectations. Although it may seem overkill, a ballerina's hairstyle is critical. It's not just about looking the part, there's a practical component. A swan can't have a hair malfunction in swan lake- That, Dolls, would be a Shopaholic disaster. Buns seem to be the go-to for ballerinas but it's not just any bun... It's THE bun. Low and high share equal significance.


The eye le maquillage of a ballerina is questionably the most significant aspect of ballerina le maquillage for it is the most prominent, detailed and contrasting component. Whilst all aspects are significant, they tend to involve softer colours and have a more subtle approach. The eyes of a ballerina evoke the complexity of the story they're portraying in their dancing. Their lids are furiously brushed with metallic layers, frequently accompanied by a generous application of a white-based highlighter in the tear duct to enlarge the eyes. If ever there was a time to have an eyeliner moment, it is now, during your ballerina era. You go heavy, Dolls, or you go home. And there are no two ways about it. If one application above the eyelashes isn't enough, you add another underneath.


A ballerina's lips are how she kisses her tortured lover in the finale, swoons the other swans and expresses her gratitude to the attending audience. A ballerina's lips must therefore be approachable & inviting but they mustn't lack a distinguishing element. Whilst some ballerinas meet this criterion by using a nude/neutral lip shade but opting for an ultra glossy lip gloss in replacement of a basic lipstick, others add a dusting of pink or gold eyeshadow/glitter to embellish their base coat of lipstick. Both choices are undoubtedly Shopaholic and certainly swan-alicious!


Another day, another Shopaholic guide for each and every one of my precious Shopaholic Dolls. Now that you're a ballerina swan, watch the stars align and lead you to your shiny pink destiny!





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